General information

Agreement consultation

Digital Agreement – ​​SIAD

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1) What are international cooperation agreements?

These are contracts and similar instruments signed to enable the carrying out of research, teaching and extension activities with foreign institutions of interest to the University. Guidance on agreements, as well as drafts, must be consulted in the website of the Attorney General's Office (PG) from Unicamp.

2) How should an agreement be proposed?

The procedure consists of opening an administrative process in the Body to which the (at least one of the) Executor(s) is linked, with the presentation of the necessary documents and processing in accordance with the Resolution CONSU-A-016/2022


  • Before opening the process, we recommend checking whether there is already a formal agreement with the institution of interest. The consultation can be carried out in the Digital Agreement and/or in the system SIGAD (in the case of agreements in which the validity period has expired, it is necessary to formalize a new agreement).
  • Check in your Unit which body and people are responsible for this process (generally the Department of Extension and/or Research).

3) Double Degree Agreements at graduation. 

The formalization of the agreement follows the Resolution CONSU-A-016/2022. It is recommended that they be negotiated by the teaching Executors of the area itself, since they know the curricula and therefore have greater knowledge to define the common curriculum frameworks.

4) Co-guardianship Agreements.

Os Co-guardianship Agreements, are coordinated by the Dean of Postgraduate Studies.