
Students from Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) from other countries and who have a current agreement with Unicamp can exchange at our university in the following ways:

Exchange student nominated by foreign partner university: in this modality, students from foreign educational institutions that have a current agreement with Unicamp can register. Students must be nominated by their home institution and the exchange period is one academic semester (15 weeks), during which they can take subjects that are offered to regular undergraduate and/or postgraduate students.

To learn about the necessary procedures for nominating and registering exchange students under an agreement, visit International Exchange Students.

Exchange Student for Internship/Research: in this modality, the student from a foreign educational institution comes to Brazil to carry out activities such as internships, part of their research together with Unicamp professors, field activities, laboratory activities or other activities that do not involve attending classes regularly offered at the university . In this case, the student will be enrolled in a special subject, called Special Topics for Exchange Students, which will have the same duration as their stay at Unicamp, which may be for a short period (days or weeks) or even entire semesters. For application guidelines for this modality, visit Exchange student for internship/research

IMPORTANT: Students from institutions that do not have an agreement with Unicamp or who were not nominated by their home institution must register as Special Students.

For other forms of admission for Foreign Students, visit Ways to Enroll in Unicamp – Foreign Students.